Constructively Addressing the Instability of the Individual Health Insurance Market Jack Urquhart The individual health insurance market requires stabilizing. Without stability, it will continue to deteriorate–premiums will drastically increase, and the number of...
health insurance exchanges
Lawsuits Challenging Obamacare Roll On as Uncertainty Mounts
Lawsuits Challenging Obamacare Roll On as Uncertainty Mounts Obamacare’s “meat and potatoes” is the January 1, 2014 implementation of (1) Medicaid Expansion and (2) insurance coverage through Health Insurance Exchanges. These programs would dramatically increase the...
The Federal Government Must Run Obamacare Health Insurance Exchanges in Most States: Is this Realistic?
The Federal Government Must Run Obamacare Health Insurance Exchanges in Most States: Is this Realistic? The central objective of the 2010 Obamacare health reform act is reducing the number of uninsured by January 1, 2014; an objective it planned to achieve with 1)...