Washington v. Trump: What a mess! Jack Edward Urquhart© Today, February 7, 2017, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit heard arguments on whether to overturn a temporary hold on two provisions of Trump’s immigration ban. What a mess! No one should...
DETAINED AT THE AIRPORT by Jack Edward Urquhart Hameed Darweesh’s flight landed at New York’s JFK Airport Friday evening, January 27th. He was immediately detained by border control, and denied a right to see his lawyer, who was already in the airport asking to see...
Tremendous Cost to Jail the Mentally Ill
Tremendous Cost to Jail the Mentally Ill June 9, 2016, WFAA in Dallas reported ugly facts about the monetary, public health and safety costs of jailing the mentally ill, rather than funding needed state mental health facilities. The WFAA report is...
Costs of Ignoring Mental Healthcare: Jails
Cost of Warehousing the Mentally Ill in Jails By: Jack Urquhart Humane concern for the mentally ill should be sufficient reason to address a major public healthcare crisis–inadequate funding for mental health care. Obviously, it isn’t. Maybe the cost of ignoring the...
The Federal Government Must Run Obamacare Health Insurance Exchanges in Most States: Is this Realistic?
The Federal Government Must Run Obamacare Health Insurance Exchanges in Most States: Is this Realistic? The central objective of the 2010 Obamacare health reform act is reducing the number of uninsured by January 1, 2014; an objective it planned to achieve with 1)...
Warning: FDA Whistleblower Idolatry is Associated with Adverse Reactions
“Whistle-blowers” are invaluable and their right to speak requires zealous protection. But too often the whistle-blower is deified before he or she is vetted. Reactive idolatry of FDA whistle-blowers is hazardous. The anointing of Dr. Robert Smith, an FDA...
The Affordable Health Care Act: The Next Chapter
United States Supreme Court Decision on the Affordable Health Care Act [1]: The Next Chapter © Jack Edward Urquhart July 12, 2012 Beirne, Maynard & Parsons, L.L.P. June 28, 2012, the United States Supreme Court resolved constitutional challenges to two provisions...