Constructively Addressing the Instability of the Individual Health Insurance Market Jack Urquhart The individual health insurance market requires stabilizing. Without stability, it will continue to deteriorate–premiums will drastically increase, and the number of...
Year: 2017
Trumpcare: Can it get more absurd?
Trumpcare: Can it get more absurd? Jack Urquhart With each attempt, Trumpcare becomes more ridiculous. I realize the GOP agenda is guided by their visceral distaste for and repressed envy of President Obama rather than actual policy, but today’s Senate proposal is a...
Cancer Treatment Advance?
Cancer Treatment Advance? Jack Urquhart Its not that I oppose medical advances–far from it. I am just not a fan of the current drug approval process. The drug industry, the FDA and the healthcare community in general are overly influenced by hype and the chase for the...
Washington v. Trump: What a mess!
Washington v. Trump: What a mess! Jack Edward Urquhart© Today, February 7, 2017, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit heard arguments on whether to overturn a temporary hold on two provisions of Trump’s immigration ban. What a mess! No one should...
National Security? or Galactic Ego?
National Security? Or Galactic Ego? by: Jack Edward Urquhart Tomorrow, February 7, 2017 at 3 o’clock PST, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit will hear arguments on whether a district court’s order temporarily restraining two provisions of...
DETAINED AT THE AIRPORT by Jack Edward Urquhart Hameed Darweesh’s flight landed at New York’s JFK Airport Friday evening, January 27th. He was immediately detained by border control, and denied a right to see his lawyer, who was already in the airport asking to see...